Wednesday, May 4, 2016

FPP - Google maps

In my class, we are working on the topic: "Hooray... Let's go on a holiday!". One of our geography tasks was to look at different ways people travel to their holiday destinations.

As a carpet activity, we looked at how we might find out the methods of transport for our favourite holiday destinations. Google maps helped us do this by showing the children the distance between Middleton (where our school is) and the holiday destination. We then looked at the travelling options and discussed the best way to travel.

Here are some examples:

Middleton to Blackpool

Middleton to Disneyland Paris

FPP - Bee bots in maths

We used bee bots for a maths lesson on quarter turns and half turns. Bee bots were used to explore how many quarter turns are needed to face a certain direction, and other commands that are needed to reach a certain destination.

Using bee bots helped children visualise what quarter turns and half turns are whilst also enhancing their computing abilities. The work on bee bots can then be consolidated using worksheets in which children follow certain instructions (e.g. make a quarter turn to the right and move forward 5) on a treasure map to find different treasures.