Monday, February 8, 2016

Audit - January 2016

After my first audit, I identified specific areas which I felt that I needed work in. Reflecting on my GPP experience and the observations I have made regarding ICT and computing in different schools, I have highlighted the points that I feel more confident in. At this stage, I am feeling much more confident about computing and would rate myself as A/B. 

1. Level of knowledge and skill in using:

  • Coding/ programming 
    • Individual learning on different coding and programmes apps as well as observations of computing lessons (e.g. Rapid Router, Scratch, Move the turtle) has enabled me to feel more confident about planning computing lessons based on coding and programming skills.
  • Mobile App Publishing 

2. Ability to demonstrate and use the following computing hardware and equipment:
  • Voting / handheld devices 
    • Although I do not have experience in using voting / handheld devices, I am fairly confident in using other equipment that I should be able to pick it up fairly quickly. 

3. Ability to harness technology as a primary teacher:
  • Identify areas of the curriculum that could be enhanced by computing 
    • My blog posts hopefully indicate examples of different programmes and computing hardware being used to enhance areas of computing. (See sections on My Use of ICT and ICT in schools)
  • Use computing for administration systems for recording progress 
    • During GPP, I used the SIMS software to take the register. 

4. Ability to develop lesson plans that integrate the effective use of computing across the curriculum to:
  • Cover the programmes of study of the National Curriculum for computing 
    • I have been able to gather useful resources and web links that will help me teach the objectives for computing. My focus for FPP is to plan and teach computing lessons. 
  • Teach computing elements of the other core and foundation curriculum subjects

5. Ability to monitor and assess children's use of Computing
  • Identifying how computing influences objectives and outcomes

6. Awareness of issues and legislation relating to pupils' access to information
  • Copyright regulations 
  • The Data Protection Act 
    • I have read about the Copyright regulations and Data Protection Act 

Areas that still require some work are:-

- Level of knowledge and skill in using:

  • Mobile App Publishing 

- Ability to develop lesson plans that integrate the effective use of computing across the curriculum to:
  • Cover the programmes of study of the National Curriculum for computing
  • Teach computing elements of the other core and foundation curriculum subjects

- Ability to monitor and assess children's use of Computing
  • Identifying how computing influences objectives and outcomes

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