Thursday, September 24, 2015

HBSP - Technology everywhere

I completed by 5 day placement in a year 5 class and I noted some observations regarding the use of technology in the class. 

  • Students used iPads when researching about game consoles for their non chronological reports (ICT used in literacy).
    • Students had some difficulty in entering effective keywords that will help them find the answers to their questions. Perhaps it will be useful to give a session on searching skills. 
    • Official game websites were blocked by the school so it will be important to check whether websites that the student may want to use can be opened
  • Students went to the front of the classroom and used the interactive whiteboard to play multiple choice games which supplemented their lesson on non chronological reports. 
  • Student selector from Triptico was used when selecting students to answer questions, hand out equipment and etc. 
    • This method promoted fairness and prevents students from insisting that they are chosen

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