Friday, September 25, 2015

Skype in lessons

After watching a year 3 science lesson via Skype, we considered other ways Skype can be used in the classroom. Skype would be a great tool in communicating with children from other schools around the world. In humanities lessons, students can learn about different lifestyles and family structures, and also what school is like in different countries, giving a real life view on our differences. However, we did experience technical difficulties during the Skype call and it would be crucial to ensure stable internet connection beforehand. 

Skype can also be used to connect with professionals in different fields, in which students can learn about different professions by hearing their story and asking questions. It saves the speaker from travelling all the way to the school and will open up opportunities to speak to professionals from all over the world. 

Teachers can also join a free global community at which offers various ways in which Skype can be used in the classroom. For example, in "Play Mastery Skype', students guess the location of the other classroom by asking questions, and can be used to complement geography lessons. 

I feel that it is important for teachers to use technology in a way that students can communicate and interact with people from different countries, enabling them to become more knowledgeable and respectful of different cultures. 

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